So later today I will be grating a pack of soap bars I found when cleaning out a box of junk. I don't normally grate soap to use, I'm lazy and buy Grannys Soap Flakes but I keep forgetting to go to the iron mongers and the bars of soap are not going to get used. We don't like bars of soap, we have a coconut liquid wash that a little goes a long long way.
To the grated soap I will add half that amount of soda crystals and half of that again of borax. Shake before putting some in the drum.
Poor Lightning; last night was the local fireworks display. The rain was
doubling back up to get underneath your chin, streams forming along
nearly every street and mock ponds forming in all the usual places, yet
the council went ahead. I can see most of these from my house. Not the
same as being there, but still good to look at. I sat in a darkened room
with my very 'don't touch me unless I want food' cat, who was petrified
and sat 5 inches away from me. To him, that is as good as a cuddle you are
going to get. Dreading this week of bangs.
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