Sunday, 5 January 2014

My little wish list

Let's see how much of this I can't 'have' by the end of the year.

A leaner body - not skinny, but healthy
A healthier mind and body - more being active, more of the good food, and less of the bad stuff
A healthy bank balance
An emergency fund of around £500
A holiday abroad
A holiday to the caravan park that Lyle loves
An ice cream maker - to make delicious ice cream that doesn't make us ill
A bread maker
A range style cooker
A chest freezer
A small fridge with an even smaller freezer on top
Chicken Coop and chickens
A washing machine
More crochet getting done
Start sewing again
Grow food
Write more - just ramblings but it does clear the head
Sell Lyle's bed and get him a trundle so we can have Rio over to stay
New bed for my room
Get car fixed then sold, get cheap to run car
Get pantry built
Donate old clothes, bags and shoes
Car boot the toys
Make things to sell
Bed earlier every night
Enjoy something from everyday
Squirrel away money every day- well 5 days at least
Request reduced working hours
Spend more happy times with Lyle
Tidy more daily
Clear out often
Use bike more
Visit friends more
Get Out There more

Bit of a long list of stuff , not all going to be done in 2014, but charity shops will be getting scoured regularly for some of the stuff.

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